Minutes of the Ashley Estates Meeting
Sunday, October 9, 2022
A potluck picnic was held to gather the neighbors together again after many years. At least 50 people attended. Pizza and drinks were provided by the neighborhood treasury.
A new executive committee was formed by volunteers interested in reviving the neighborhood organization. They were introduced at start of meeting.
Meg Williamson and Ray Myers, Co-chairs
Abbas Fiuzat, Treasurer (outgoing)
Secretary position needed for meeting minutes, Directory development (Later, Janice Dieter volunteered for Directory work. and Abbas volunteered to publish a newsletter.)
Next fall, a formal election will take place.
Treasury Report
• Abbas provided a handout and presented details of our finances.
• Little activity over the past five years.
• Closing balance of $5067.25 as of October 9, 2022. Costs for this year’s picnic not included.
• Abbas introduced Karl Dieter, the new Treasurer.
• Karl and Abbas took in dues payments and the total collected was $525.00, bringing the total to $5592.25
Social Activities
• Jessica Dvergsten will be involved with organization but would appreciate assistance. Savannah Roach, a new neighbor, volunteered and will recruit others.
• Yard sale held in July, and it went well.
• Past activities outlined. Savannah will organize the Halloween Parade on Oct. 29 (cancelled due to unfortunate Facebook interactions)
• An electronic newsletter will be created. Abbas and Ray will work on this.
Entry Landscape Improvement
• Sign needs repair and painting before spring planting. We may need to hire someone, but this is expensive.
• Planting in the sign bed needs improvement so a complete renovation is suggested.
• Prior to the meeting, a team was formed to redesign the bed and perform maintenance on a regular basis.
• Landscape Renovation Team: Meg and Joey Williamson, Lara Mutel Browning, Sandra Magee, and Francie Mizell. Jordan Frith volunteered to help with maintenance. Anyone is welcome to help with planning, planting, and maintenance.
• Joey and Meg prepared a landscape plan and shared it with the others.
• The group will finalize the plan and get prices for plants. If all goes well, irrigation will be installed this fall and plants put in by neighborhood volunteers next spring.
Entry Landscape Bed Irrigation
• Important for getting plants established, followed by as-needed irrigation. A meter from the city will cost $600.
• Joey got two bids for installation: $1192.50 and $3850.00. He will get one more.
• Install this fall with best bid, if approved. Vote by email doodle poll once we get hard numbers. This vote will also address the landscape planting.
Irrigation Issues
• It was brought up that our covenant does not make our HOA a legal entity, so there may be a problem with meter installation and billing.
• Must get permission from the Olivers to install the meter on their property. (Permission granted on 10/10/22)
• Discussion ensued of whether we should dissolve our covenant and create a legal document with power to enforce its terms. The committee will meet to discuss and decide on further action. Allen Lohmann and John Gowdy want to be involved, and others are welcome, if interested.
Other Comments
• Speeding along our roads, despite a 15-mph speed limit. One couple on Ashley Road took pictures of speeders and will give these to the police.
• More police enforcement is the best way to stop this.
• Speed bumps were mentioned. This was investigated years ago, but the city wouldn’t allow them, as they would decrease emergency vehicle response time.
• Parents parking illegally on Ashley to avoid the elementary school drop-off line.